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We Make Website Rank #1 on Google in less than 4 Weeks

10X Your Sales With Powerful SEO Service & FREE Audit report, find out on-page and technical SEO mistakes, and fixing these errors will make your website more search engine GOOGLE friendly and make it easier for you to rank for your business keywords. Grow leads for your business by using recommended SEO strategies that will help your audience discover your website more easily.

Get FREE SEO Website Audit Report & consultation

Get a complete SEO analysis with a tailored checklist on how to enhance your website and reach Google’s first page. We’ll need the following information to conduct a free site analysis. Enter your website’s URL to conduct a full audit of your entire site.

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Note: After filling the form check your email inbox or spam folder, to book a discovery call with us.

Why Should You Conduct an SEO Website Audit?

Search engines (GOOGLE) requires over 200 ranking factors to determine whether or not to rank your web pages on SERP. There are many reasons for your own site not ranking in search results for particular keywords range from site speed and meta descriptions to page authority and backlinks. Our SEO audit service can help you figure out which on-page and off-page elements are affecting your search engine rankings. To discuss the results and discover how to enhance your SEO and content marketing strategy, connect with one of our SEO experts.

Backlink Audits

To uncover harmful or spammy links, audit your whole backlink profile. Examine which sites connect to yours and how their presence affects your domain authority.

Content Audits

With topical depth, word count, relevancy, and page experience aspects, you can see if your content matches Google’s quality signals.

Technical SEO Audits

Is your site’s backend fully optimised? We examine your HTML elements to ensure that keywords are included and that crawling and indexing are as efficient as possible.

UI/UX Audits

Learn how users interact with your website by seeing how they click, navigate, and engage with it, and determine how UI/UX improvements could boost conversions.

Our Trending SEO - Recent Keyword Ranking Results

How Does SEO Management Work?

Keyword Research SEO Service

In-depth Keyword Research

We'll concentrate on terms that are relevant to your company, product, or service. We know what keywords your customers are looking for. Keywords that will have a positive impact on your company.

Website Reviews SEO

Monthly Website Reviews

Our SEO experts will examine your website on a monthly basis and offer you with a prioritised SEO action plan that is unique to your site. We concentrate on SEO implementation since we believe it will yield speedy benefits.

SEO Website Content

Stand-out Website Content

To create high quality SEO optimized content that ranks on Google search engine, we have content writer on staff. We also generate long blogs & thought leadership material based on SEO expert recommendations to help your website rank.

SEO Reports

Detailed SEO Reports

A dedicated project coordinator will provide detailed SEO performance reports that highlight your website's visibility, performance, ranks, traffic, and other metrics.

What's In This FREE SEO Website Audit?

By completing the form, you will receive the following items for free:

  • Our Robust SEO Checklist (Heavy Version)
  • 2000+ Words of Audit Insights
  • Multiple pages of Unique Site SEO Scoring

We’ll also give you unrestricted access to our Core Web Vitals Information, which is entirely free!

Simply schedule an appointment to go over all of this information, and we’ll get you qualified for the full checklist, which is also completely free!

Domain Authority is a search engine optimization indicator that measures how likely your website is to rank in search results. Your 0-100 score will be revealed by our SEO Audit. The biggest contributors to your domain authority score are backlinks to your website from several referring domains. If your website’s Domain Authority score is poor, you’ll probably need to engage in a more strong off-site SEO approach. 

Link building initiatives are a wonderful approach to start earning more backlinks to your site and improve your site’s authority signals to Googlebots. The audit method will also reveal whether your link profile has any hazardous links. Disavowing those links can improve your domain authority score and the performance of your website in search results.

In the eyes of Google’s crawlers, domain authority is a good overall indication of your website’s health. White-hat link building, or developing SEO content with links to your website and pitching it to other publications and webmasters, is the greatest strategy to boost your site authority. One of the quickest strategies to enhance your SEO rankings is to establish links the right manner.

Our SEO audit will determine your website’s traffic and the number of visitors it receives through organic search. If your website’s traffic is low, it’s likely that it’s not ranking well for many keywords in Google, and hence isn’t getting the impressions it needs to generate clicks. More information about your site’s traffic sources can be found in your Google Analytics account.

On-page SEO adjustments can help Google bots consider your content as more relevant to their users’ search queries, which can help you increase organic traffic. Page titles, heading tags, and meta descriptions that are optimised for the target keyword additionally indicate search engine bots that your material is relevant to the term.

Improving your overall keyword ranks is the first step toward increasing organic traffic. There are off-site and on-page SEO tactics for doing so, and additional data from our site audit tool will aid our SEO professionals in determining which sections of your site require the most attention in order to increase traffic.

Our SEO Audit will tell you how many keywords your website ranks for in Google search after performing an SEO audit on your domain name. More keywords equals more impressions and prospective visitors to your site.

Having a larger number of pages across your entire site, each with a different target keyword, gives search engine bots additional reasons to show your material to users. Your site pages must meet content quality signals and be mobile friendly in order to achieve SEO success. Our SEO professionals can provide practical advice on how to increase the amount of keywords for which your site ranks, hence improving your overall exposure and SEO performance.

Use our Landing Page Optimizer SEO tool to improve the ranking of your online content for more keywords. Improve your site’s performance by instantly improving your on-page SEO for any web page. Based on an examination of each web page currently ranking in the first two search engine results pages, this valuable tool will offer you with a list of Focus Terms to add to existing web page content (SERPs). You can improve your Quality Score and ranks by including DMAS SEO tips & advice terms into your web page content.

If any spammy sites are related to your domain name, we will identify them in our technical SEO audit report so that you are notified. To increase the quality of your link profile, disavow those links as soon as feasible in Google Search Console.

The easiest way to check for harmful spammy links is to use the toxic links in our free SEO audit report. Our site audit produces a comprehensive report that includes all of the domains that connect to your site, as well as indicators such as domain rating, trust flow, and citation flow. The toxicity of each connected domain is also assessed by the hazardous link checker, which takes into account ranking indications such as spam score.

In the long run, having a healthy backlink profile will make the largest difference in your SEO efforts. The SEO audit method can be quite beneficial in discovering SEO issues so that you can take the necessary steps to resolve them and prevent a Google penalty. Before disavowing any links to your url, it’s best to consult a technical SEO consultant.

Our site audit tool can also serve as a road map for your SEO and link-building campaigns. The link analysis tool gives you more information about your referring domains, backlinks, and anchor text used by other websites when linking to yours.

Backlinks are a significant ranking element in search engine algorithms, and you can use our tool to set benchmarks for your link-building activities. Examine where your competitors obtain their links, and calculate how many you’ll need to outrank them in the search engine results pages.

Launching a link-building effort is a terrific approach to quickly enhance your site’s rankings so you can start appearing on the first search engine results page.

Our site audit tool can also serve as a road map for your SEO and link-building campaigns. The link analysis tool gives you more information about your referring domains, backlinks, and anchor text used by other websites when linking to yours.

Backlinks are a significant ranking element in search engine algorithms, and you can use our tool to set benchmarks for your link-building activities. Examine where your competitors obtain their links, and calculate how many you’ll need to outrank them in the search engine results pages.

Launching a link-building effort is a terrific approach to quickly enhance your site’s rankings so you can start appearing on the first search engine results page.


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Latest Marketing Trends

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Transparent Reporting

Why wait? Give yourself the A FREE WEBSITE AUDIT you deserve

If you aren’t aware of what your competitors are doing in the digital space, then how are you going to stay ahead of them?

Request a FREE WEBSITE AUDIT Analysis today.

Put your competitors under the DEEP SEO ANALYSIS.

To beat your competition, you need the right insights – and the right team.

For companies who are serious about their online market share, we offer a comprehensive SEO & SEM analysis – for FREE.

For those who are still unsure, here’s a sneak peak!

  • 10 Audited Checklist Items (Get 125 SEO-specific checklist items after qualifying!) FREE OF CHARGE
  • These products go into the details of every part of your website, ensuring that your ranks and visitors skyrocket.
  • We’ve never seen a firm gain from using these!
  • 1000 words of audit insights that provide context and direction for the key components we’ll be looking at during our audit!
    The three primary pillars of SEO (On-page, Off-page, and Technical) are all covered in detail!
  • SEO Scores are calculated based on your site’s performance, user experience, traffic, functionality, security, and a variety of other variables.
  • Plus! Remember, we’re providing you unrestricted access to our FREE Core Web Vitals information, where you can identify priority areas to work on in order to directly improve your site’s speed in the most powerful way possible, ensuring that crucial ranking signals are sent to Google!
  • You will receive all of this for free and without committing to anything. Find us or someone else who is willing to give you this type of value up front!

Want to take your SEO-game to a whole new level?

Benefits of SEO Services

For your website or brand, a professional website audit is essential. This is due to the fact that it will assist you in developing a powerful website and marketing plan. A expert will spend time fine-tuning your website and addressing any difficulties that may arise in order to optimize its performance. You can do a website audit on your own or hire a professional SEO firm to do it for you.

Domain Authority is a search engine optimization indicator that measures how likely your website is to rank in search results. Your 0-100 score will be revealed by our SEO Audit. The biggest contributors to your domain authority score are backlinks to your website from several referring domains. If your website’s Domain Authority score is poor, you’ll probably need to engage in a more strong off-site SEO approach. 

Link building initiatives are a wonderful approach to start earning more backlinks to your site and improve your site’s authority signals to Googlebots. The audit method will also reveal whether your link profile has any hazardous links. Disavowing those links can improve your domain authority score and the performance of your website in search results.

In the eyes of Google’s crawlers, domain authority is a good overall indication of your website’s health. White-hat link building, or developing SEO content with links to your website and pitching it to other publications and webmasters, is the greatest strategy to boost your site authority. One of the quickest strategies to enhance your SEO rankings is to establish links the right manner.

Many webmasters consider how their content is perceived by their target audience as well as the website’s usability. However, it’s also important to consider the crawlability of your complete site, especially if it has a lot of pages, and how Googlebot’s comprehend your site. Webmasters can get a better understanding of how to improve their websites by using the statistics and metrics supplied by an audit tool.

Our SEO audits can assist you discover where your marketing cash will be most efficiently spent before you spend it on all areas of search engine optimization. The majority of technical SEO improvements are cost-effective, however major modifications to homepage design, schema markup, or beginning a link-building campaign are more costly. A technical SEO audit assists new clients in determining the next steps in their SEO strategy.

To improve your search engine rankings, you must first know what keywords you want to rank for. A good keyword strategy is the foundation of a good organic search ranking. You will be able to design on-page SEO code for your business website once you have a better understanding of your market and competitors. Based on your site’s on-page optimization and content, search engines like Google will determine where your website ranks. A website audit will include keyword research and discovery, which will be included into your on-page SEO and maybe off-site internet advertising.

Your SEO team and your imagination are the only limits to the functionality and design of your website. It is not beneficial for your website to have an extremely complicated website design, too much information, and busy webpages. If your website does not clearly and concisely convey your visitors that they are in the right place, they will rapidly go. A website audit will assist you in identifying areas of your website that want improvement. You’ll be able to decide the content, purpose, and structure that best suits your users.

Bounce rates, page visits, time on site, and other important metrics will be examined during a technical site audit. These are critical areas that must be improved in order to ensure better search engine indexing. Because of the high quality of information you supply, both search engines and visitors return to your website. Auditing your material allows you to learn what types of content customers enjoy and how they prefer to consume it, such as video, photos, and words. You may quickly come up with a great content strategy for your blog and website using an audit. Your visitors will be provided with engaging and valuable material, resulting in a higher organic search engine rating.

Increasing conversion rates is crucial for every company. A website audit will examine the content, design, and even calls-to-action on your top landing pages to ensure they are converting as much as possible. This is a time-consuming process that may take months to determine what works best for your website. A website SEO audit, on the other hand, will increase your ROI through strategic planning, analysis, and testing.

Websites that employ the same keywords as you can be potential influencers or affiliates with whom you can collaborate. By looking at your internet business’s citations, you might find websites with a lot of confirmed leads and bloggers who frequently link to your content. A website audit can help you discover attractive options that can help you enhance the profile of your company.

Keyword stuffing was formerly a simple approach for businesses to manipulate search rankings. However, Google’s Penguin 4.0 upgrade aided in the reduction of duplicate content and spam in search results. The most effective strategy to improve your website’s rating in organic SERPs is to use keywords carefully and naturally. Although search engines will not penalize your website or pages with a high frequency of keywords, you may be labelled, which may reduce the authority of your domain.

A thorough website audit can assist you in determining any offsite or onsite issues that are diverting your website visitors. Spam, hidden content, hostile URLs, and backlinks are just a few of the issues that could be driving traffic away from your website. These issues can have an impact on the overall traffic to your website, which in turn can have an impact on conversions. A skilled website audit can assist you detect and even correct these issues before they become uncontrollable.

Having powerful and legible information on your website is useless if your readers cannot access it. You must use appropriate and relevant analytics data to ensure that your content is easily found by your readers and search engines. A website audit will discover areas of your site that need to be improved in order to attract more traffic and raise your website rankings. With content audit tools, you’ll be able to offer your material in a way that makes sense to your audience and attracts only the people who are interested in your business.

Check Out What Our Clients Have To Say!

Client Partner - David

David has been a very professional and friendly client partner for DMAS. We have been working for more than 5 years for web design projects and SEO. Have a look at the video to see what David has to say about us. Thank you David for your great Testimonial.

What Are You Waiting For? Try DMAS Free SEO Audit Services Today!

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If the answer is yes, your quest is over at DMAS. You can now find the best SEO services to get your website in top ranking by fixing any optimization faults. Simply choose DMAS to complete a thorough SEO audit for your website, which includes a 200-point technical SEO checklist.

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DMAS – Digital Marketing Ads Service is a full-service Internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) firm that focuses on delivering results and providing outstanding customer service. Social media, link building, local search, PPC, content creation, web design, and retargeting are some of the web marketing services we offer.



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