My website not showing in Google search

Website not showing up on google, website not appearing on google, my site not showing in google search

There are various reasons why a website does not show up on Google. If Google does not know about the existence of a particular website or if it thinks that the website does not deserve to rank then the website won’t be shown anywhere in the search results.

Sometimes websites do not show up on Google if the website is too new because it takes time for Google to discover new websites and web pages. Also if a website is blocking search engines from indexing the pages then the website may not show up on Google. 

A website will not appear on Google if it has blocked search engines from crawling the pages. Also if the website do not have enough high-quality backlinks then the website might not show up on Google. The algorithm of Google is based on PageRank which counts the backlinks and internal links. Hence if the website is lacking authority then it may not appear on Google.

Building more backlinks and adding more internal links will help websites to be seen on Google search. It also helps to boost the authority of a web page. Site authority plays a significant role in the ranking of the website. When the web page does not align with the search intent, the website will not show up on the Google search. 

There are various reasons because of which an SEO campaign fails to deliver. The SEO may work once, it may never work or initially it worked but after sometime it just stopped working. Therefore, there can be various reasons why an SEO does not work and it has to be fixed as soon as possible.

The SEO may not work because of a total failure to develop meaningful visibility for the keywords or may be a failure for well ranking keywords to deliver the expected results for the business. Many times the work done by the SEO companies is old fashioned, unsustainable guff and hence does not help much to rank long term as well as short term.

There are various reasons for the failing of an SEO campaign. It includes realistic expectations where the search landscape is a highly competitive field. From the start, the expectations have to be realistic. It is important to specialize in key areas to give the customers what they exactly want.

Low quality SEO is another reason why a website does not show up on Google search. Some SEO are low quality, largely ineffective and unsustainable. If there is no visibility or strategic guidance or any noticeable improvements in results then the SEO campaign should be changed. 

Having duplicate content also reduces the chances of the website to show up on Google. The SEO can be affordable and there are various sensibly priced SEO packages which are available. Also realistic budgets should be set accordingly. It is important to be agile and specialized. 

Search engine results are a blend of information, news and images. The prospects should know how to use the search engines. They should understand the landscape in which they operate and also have a complete understanding of the various ways to optimize the site and appear on the most relevant results.

Optimizing the site around the target language of the audience is extremely important. Otherwise it will have a negative impact on the SEO campaign. It is important to make sure that page titles and meta descriptions are optimized for relevance to entice clicks from the search engine results page. 

Technical issues across the site may drag the overall quality score of the SEO campaign down. Issues like crawling issues where the search engine can’t crawl the content so can’t evaluate it, indexation issues where too many variations are there of the same page and domain issues where a site is indexed on multiple domains can cause technical problems.

Other issues like duplicate content, mobile issues where poor usability on mobile can decrease visibility with the mobile users and this has an impact on how mobile users interact with the site. Also keeping good links are important as they drive referral traffic and provide branding benefits. The links also helps to build the authority of the site. 

Having high quality and relevant content is required as great content has many benefits and it allows to widen the scope of keywords to rank higher and be seen on the search results thus exposing the site to a wider audience of prospective customers.